
Haziran, 2012 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor

joke about ex-loves :)

there is nothing to say... just read it :)


Finally, after many years, i bought a new camera which is Nikon D3100.  I have been trying to buy it almost 3-4 years long. I always wanted it :)) It is a professional DSLR camera with 14.2 MP CMOS sensor and VR lens also has full HD video. Even it is called entry-level , it has many features better then entry-level. By now, i ll start to learn it as much as i can. i believe with hardworking i ll take great photos! Well , i hope you all will enjoy my photos... here you can see two samples without any settings... I and my enjoying of Kebap :)

The beautiful symmetry!

It is really nice view to the life. Enjoy it...

"Fuck Me" - Eric Cartman "South Park"

IT is been a long time since i watched the latest southpark episode. therefore trying to enjoy watching the old and best scenes. here is the one of the best :) Enjoy it :)