Libertad - The new album of Yasmin Levy
I have meantined about Yasmin Levy as you can see here . Here is the new album which has been influenced by turkish music more than before , recorded in Istanbul with turkish musicians and more Yasmin Lyrics. In the album, you will find ladino version of turkish songs "Firuze" and "Aman Doktor" . See the video clip : "Libertad” represents the beginning of a new phase in Yasmin Levy's life, as well as in her musical career. Part of this is a newfound sense of freedom that comes both with and from the birth of her baby boy just over a year ago. This inspired Yasmin to focus even more on her own song-writing; she has contributed five of Libertad's twelve songs. It also helped her try a new musical fusion bringing together flavours of Flamenco with the unique emotion of Turkish strings and providing a fresh musical backdrop to Yasmin's songs. This new freedom of spirit has encouraged Yasmin to take on the challenge of recording...