
Ocak, 2013 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor

Katie Lee - It must be something psychological

Son zamanlarda Türk televizyonlarında yayınlanan AXE reklam filminin müziği olarak eski bir şarkı olan "It must be something psychological" dır. Şanatçı hakkında daha fazla bilgi için wikipedia In turkey, nowaday there is an commercial of Axe perfume and the song plays it : "It must be something psychological" so here it is :). For more information about the singer , please wikipedia Lyrics  It must be something psychological  It may be something very physical  That makes me feel the way I do  Whenever i'm in touch with you I think it's something strange and mystical  It might be something very chemical  What is this force between us two  That makes me gravitate to you I know you're not my ego ideal You aren't like my father or brother But the way I feel __ not become A sister, a pal or a mother Still... It must be something psychological  ( From: http://www.elyrics.net ) It may be something very physical  That make...


Two Thousands thirteen :) that is all :)