
Şubat, 2014 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor

How many .....?

How many grains of sand does it take to make a beach? How many drops of water does it take to make a lake? How many blades of grass does it take to make a meadow? How many small pebbles does it take to make a mountain? How many stars does it take to make a night sky? How many raindrops does it take to make a storm? How many letters does it take to make a timeless novel? How many trees does it take to make a forest? How many small actions does it take to become successful? I don’t exactly know. But I’m going to keep trying until I find out. These are the words from a Portugal guy "Nordin Machado". He posted on couchsurfing under the "Dreemseekers" group. I like it a lot and thought to share with you. I thank him a lot for these thoughtfull questions and ideas, Have a luck in your dreams... Bir plaj yapmak için kaç tane kum tanesi gerekir? Bir göl yapmak için kaç tane su damlası gerekir? Bir çimenlik yapmak için kaç adet çim gerekir? Bir dağ yapmak i...

the landscape of dam lake- Adana Baraj gölü manzarası

Adana Seyhan Dam lake landscape photo taken by Sony Xperia S Adana Seyhan Baraj gölü manzara fotoğrafı, Sony Xperia S telefonu ile çekilmiştir.

Flappy Bird

It has not been a long time that i found a new game ( actually it's been very popular but i didnt know :) ) called "flappy bird". it is a really simple simple game but at the same time it is annoying and diffucult. How come? you have only one move which is pushing the screen and bird goes up. Your aim is to keep the bird flying and pass bettwen pipes:) you will say " it is simple and graphics look like mario. But it is not like you think. beacuse of this game, the developer removed it from App store and Google Play. I have reached to 42 :) what is yours? You can download the apk from here... Flappy Bird Download Kısa bir süre önce tanıştığım yeni bir oyunu sizinle paylaşmak istiyorum. Aslında bu oyun bayağı popülermiş fakat benim bundan pek haberim yoktu. Oyun çok basit ve kolay. Ama bir o kadar da zor ve sinir bozucu. Tek hamleniz var o da ekrana dokunmak. Amacınız kuşu havada tutup onu boruların arasından geçirmek. Evet kolay diyebilirsiniz fakat bence bir ...