
Temmuz, 2014 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor

50 signs you've been in Turkey for too long...

1. You automatically take off your shoes when entering a house. 2. You’ve tried all the types of street food Istanbul offers: corn, stuffed mussels, chickpeas on rice, nuts, pomegranate juice, popcorn... 3. Not a day goes by without drinking at least one çay (tea). If it does, you feel weird about it. 4. Friends don’t invite you to their homes for dinner, but for breakfast. 5. You know the name of the guy at the bakkal (corner store) on your street. 6. Everything is çok (very): çok güzel, çok iyi, çok ayıp... 7. You have started to answer questions by repeating the answer (evet, evet; var, var; hayır, hayır; yok, yok). 8. You’ve forgotten what it means to recycle. 9. You no longer hear the honking of car horns. 10. You know there is always traffic in Istanbul: the question is whether there is traffic or A LOT of traffic. 11. You know you’ll find a portrait of Atatürk everywhere you go...

tracy chapman - give me one reason (lyrics)
