
2012 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor

Libertad - The new album of Yasmin Levy

I have meantined about Yasmin Levy as you can see here . Here is the new album which has been influenced by turkish music more than before , recorded in Istanbul with turkish musicians and more Yasmin Lyrics. In the album, you will find ladino version of turkish songs "Firuze" and "Aman Doktor" .  See the video clip :  "Libertad” represents the beginning of a new phase in Yasmin Levy's life, as well as in her musical career. Part of this is a newfound sense of freedom that comes both with and from the birth of her baby boy just over a year ago. This inspired Yasmin to focus even more on her own song-writing; she has contributed five of Libertad's twelve songs. It also helped her try a new musical fusion bringing together flavours of Flamenco with the unique emotion of Turkish strings and providing a fresh musical backdrop to Yasmin's songs. This new freedom of spirit has encouraged Yasmin to take on the challenge of recording...

Funny old lamp...

Please see the lamp how they fix it:-) Published with Blogger-droid v2.0.9

Guess what is it?

What do you think this photo might be??  A picture drawn by artist or theme in a phone?etc Published with Blogger-droid v2.0.9

A funny moment at Eskisehir Train Station

It was long time ago while I was studying at university. One night I was at the train station and took this picture by my phone:-) Published with Blogger-droid v2.0.9

Vodka Time

Having the polish vodka which is called 'zlota gorszka z mienta ' and drinking it with my cousin and my brother ( from left to right) Weather was windy little bit, after the second shot we went to up to the roof and drank the rest while watching the city lights. We had really nice time. Published with Blogger-droid v2.0.9

Another journey from Ankara to Adana

It's been 6 years since I started to travel and have bus journeys away from my family. All started with university and then followed to another cities after cities to another countries. I becAme little bit tired but whenever or wherever I find something to go somewhere I just take it and go for another adventure. Now it is the time to go back to my home. I dont know when it will be the next station for me. I''ll wait and see. Have a nice journeys in your life. Dont miss adventures:-) Published with Blogger-droid v2.0.9

Şeytan sofrası -- devil's table

We saw one of the greatest sunset and the view of Ayvalik... Just amazing... You see the sun and the combination of its shines with nature... Enjoy the photos.... Published with Blogger-droid v2.0.8


Just enjoy the photos... It is really amazing place... Published with Blogger-droid v2.0.8

A Sandstorm 2

As it was yesterday, also today there was a sandstorm. this time is worse than before.  You better see the photos...

A little smart game : Little Alchemy

This is the game :) It is called "Little Alchemy". The game is so simple : drag a element on other element and you ll have new element. it is this much simple.You start with four main elements : Air , Fire, Water and Earth. But, you need to think all combinations and use your brain.  Examples :  Fire (Ateş ) + Water ( Su ) = Steam ( Buhar ) Water ( Su ) + Earth ( Toprak ) = Mud ( Çamur ) You can find the game from Chrome Store if your browser is Chrome and for Android , Iphone users it is also avaible in their stores.  Android  ,  Iphone ,  Chrome Store I have been playing almost 2 days with my friends and we reached the around 143 elements out of 300. We are willing to complete all.  Also you can suggest elements, new combinations therefore it is funny and all depends on you.  Here are some tricks that you can use: ( Some of them may not work ) 1UP        = ...