A little smart game : Little Alchemy
This is the game :) It is called "Little Alchemy". The game is so simple : drag a element on other element and you ll have new element. it is this much simple.You start with four main elements : Air , Fire, Water and Earth. But, you need to think all combinations and use your brain. Examples : Fire (Ateş ) + Water ( Su ) = Steam ( Buhar ) Water ( Su ) + Earth ( Toprak ) = Mud ( Çamur ) You can find the game from Chrome Store if your browser is Chrome and for Android , Iphone users it is also avaible in their stores. Android , Iphone , Chrome Store I have been playing almost 2 days with my friends and we reached the around 143 elements out of 300. We are willing to complete all. Also you can suggest elements, new combinations therefore it is funny and all depends on you. Here are some tricks that you can use: ( Some of them may not work ) 1UP = ...
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